Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Our Committee

Wave Shape
Mike is our Branch Chair. His role is to keep the branch running smoothly and effectively. He is really the glue that holds the club together.
Pete (PJ)
Diving Officer
Our Diving Officer, PJ, is an Advanced Instructor and one of the regional team.He holds the great responsibility for all branch diving and training activities. It’s not an easy job, but he does a great job of keeping us all in order and safe.
All clubs need someone to look after club funds and membership. We have Adrienne. She does a brilliant job organising the finances, making sure we have the money available to look after our boat and equipment, and making sure we’re not overspending.
Boat Officer
Justin has recently taken over this role from the previous BO who is moving out of the area. We all have great faith in his ability to look after our club boat and making sure it’s serviced and kept in a good seaworthy condition
Equipment Officer
Our Equipment Officer , Steve, looks after our clubs range of diving equipment, making sure it’s all serviceable and in test, ready for new students to borrow for their training and to hire out to qualified members if it’s needed.
Social and Events
Olga is a long time member of the club who organises our social events and helps to raise money for club funds. She also cox’s the boat on club dives on occasion and provides sweets and snacks at meetings.
Lastly there’s me, Joe. I joined the club, despite living in the Midlands, having met them all on a liveaboard holiday and was greatly impressed with the atmosphere they created and how welcome they made me feel. Although I can’t get down to meetings very often, I have taken over the running of the website on their behalf so I could keep in contact with them.
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